
Verb Education collaborated with CADENA International Development Projects and Murishi Ltd to undertake the World Bank-supported East Africa Skills for Transformation and Regional Integration Project (EASTRIP) to develop a harmonized qualifications framework for the TVET sector across East African nations. The project aimed to create consistency in technical education qualifications, enabling easier labour mobility and skills portability across the region.


  • Competency-Based Training (CBT): The project adopted a CBT approach, where skill acquisition was closely aligned with practical industry requirements, ensuring that graduates were job-ready.
  • Curriculum Harmonization: Verb Education led the standardization of qualifications in IT and ICT skills, ensuring compatibility across national education systems.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Verb coordinated multiple stakeholder meetings with regional education authorities, TVET institutions, and employers to gather feedback and ensure that the framework aligned with industry needs.
  • Digital Transformation: The qualifications framework integrated ICT tools to support virtual training and assessment, ensuring that digital literacy was embedded in the curriculum.

This project involved close collaboration with regional education bodies, the World Bank, and local industry stakeholders. The partnership ensured that the framework was not only technically sound but also regionally accepted and industry-relevant.


The harmonized qualifications framework was successfully implemented, promoting standardization of skills and qualifications across the East African region. The framework’s focus on digital skills and competency-based training has significantly enhanced the employability of TVET graduates across the region. Additionally, the project fostered greater regional cooperation and integration, making East Africa a competitive player in the global labour market