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Student Assessment

The Problem

Assessment of students and record keeping across most of Basic Education in Kenya is still done by hand. For ECD centres and primary schools especially, this is a big problem. The new curriculum has brought about big changes in the way teachers assess students. In the first four grades of primary school, there are over 5,000 unique learning activities across 11 subject areas that each student must perform. Because it is simply too much work, teachers track only about 800 activities. This means that students are never assessed comprehensively and thus denied critical feedback that would help in their development.

Our Solution

  1. Simplify the process of record keeping for teachers by developing a mobile app that contains assessment templates of all learning areas.
  2. Make it possible for teachers across schools to share assessment templates.
  3. Make it possible for teachers to produce reports that give them insights into student learning in ways they previously couldn’t.
  4. Make it possible for education managers to produce reports that give them insights into student and teachers performance.